Marketing Automation


What is Marketing Automation?

It sounds impersonal but the intention is quite the opposite. While marketing automation is using software to automate repetitive tasks to free up your time, it also helps you give customers more relevant information and quickly.

Wouldn’t it be nice to instantly reply to a customer’s request, then follow up a few days later or, when there’s a sale on, let them know. Automation can do this without you having to lift a finger.

For advice on how to get started, yourself, see our blog. Otherwise, we’re here to help - find the services we offer, below.

Marketing Automation Services


Software Implementation

We use the platform, HubSpot to setup our clients’ marketing automation. This is an affordable option that has a free integrated CRM that is of great benefit for managing sales.

HubSpot Setup: $500

User Flows

When someone interacts with your site, what do you want the automation to do? Send them an email, send you an email, increase their lead score? Creating a user flow informs this.

User Flow (4 steps): $750

Download Forms

A high value piece of content can be presented as a ‘gated’ download. When interested people enter their email address to access it, this enables automated emails to be sent to their address.

Gated Content Setup (1 Form): $100


Marketing Automation Package

HubSpot Setup
Four-Step User Flow x 2
Gated Form Setup x2


Get in touch

Speak to us about how we can get your website driving more business with engaging content.