User Experience (UX)


What is UX?

User Experience is how a person feels when they interact with a product or service. This covers both online and in-store, however, we just focus on the online side.

Essentially, if you make it super easy to interact with your business, more people will become repeat customers and recommend you to others. An example is the Uber app vs having to ring / hail a taxi.

Find details on how to get started, yourself, on our blog. Or, if you’d like us to help, see our services, below.

UX Design Services


Website Audit

Looking at your website everyday can make it seem logical to you but not a first time user. By tracking how users on your website interact with it, we can highlight areas for improvement.

Small Audit (<5 pages): $500

Journey Mapping

By identifying what steps a user needs to purchase a product or service, we can structure your website to make this journey easier and remove hurdles that could be reducing sales.

Mapping (1 Journey): $500

User Research

The most effective way to find out what changes could make life easier for your customer is to ask them. This is can be done to verify a potential improvement or to get general feedback.

User Research (5 interviews): $3000

Get in touch

Speak to us about how we can keep your customers happy with a great user experience.